Thursday, April 12, 2012

Book Review: The Founders Key, a MUST-READ.


Reviewed by
John B

The Founders Key
Larry P Arnn
Thomas Nelson

“The Divine Connection between
the Declaration and the Constitution
and What we Risk by Losing It”

To many, these “FOUNDATIONAL” documents are merely relics of a by-gone era. By and Large, our Government operates without regard to their content. Our educators teach our young people to view these foundational “stones” as transient and narrow documents.

A predominant view is that these documents (the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution),
are contradictory, coming from competing interests and incompatible purposes. We now have a Government that functions outside the controls of the Constitution and in contradiction to the Declaration. By disassociating these two documents, the Modern Progressive Movement has subverted their strength and radically changed the role of government.

(From the books jacket)
In this book, “Hillsdale College President and influential Conservative voice, Larry P Arnn, reveals the dangers of this movement and urges us to rediscover the genius borne in our founding. This rediscovery is vital to our liberty, for we must understand the causes of liberty, if we wish to preserve it.”
The Founders Key succeeds in this task by:
Locating man's proper place in nature, above the beasts and below God.
By explaining the “Laws of Nature and Natures God” and why all men are created equal.
Providing a definition of rights and their origin.
Recognizing that the Declaration and the Constitution are borne of the same principle,
finding their completion within this union.
Revealing the origin of the Progressive Intellectual movement
and it's threat to our liberty.

This is a book for our times. We find ourselves in a culture of big government, and out of control spending. We find our “Constitutional rights” being taken away. We no longer have freedom of speech. There is little freedom of the press. There is precious little freedom of religion, especially, for Christians, but that's a story all its own!

The Founders Key provides the knowledge we need, to not only understand the current Constitutional debate, but also to defend the liberty that is our nations greatest heritage.

I consider this a MUST-READ.